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Make Better Financial Decisions

The R4GoodPersonalFinances R package is a set of tools designed to help you plan and make informed, data-driven decisions for your personal or household finances.
These tools are selected carefully to align with academic consensus, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. They assist you in:

  • finding optimal asset allocation,
  • preparing for retirement or financial independence,
  • calculating optimal spending,
  • and more.


Installation from CRAN

The latest stable version of the package released on CRAN can be installed with:

# install.packages("pak")

Installation from GitHub

You can install the latest version of R4GoodPersonalFinances from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")

Installation from R-universe

You can install the package from R-universe also as WebAssembly (WASM) binaries for use in WebR applications:

  repos = c(


  • Haghani V., White J. (2023) The Missing Billionaires: A Guide to Better Financial Decisions. ISBN:978-1-119-74791-8.
  • Idzorek, Thomas M., and Paul D. Kaplan. (2024) Lifetime Financial Advice: A Personalized Optimal Multilevel Approach. CFA Institute Research Foundation. ISBN:978-1-952-92737-9.
  • Milevsky, Moshe. (2020) Retirement Income Recipes in R: From Ruin Probabilities to Intelligent Drawdowns. Springer.

R for Good Academy

For more information, see The R4GoodPersonalFinances R package is part of the R for Good Academy project. You can find there free resources explaining in details concepts of personal finances implemented in this R package. For example:

The official package documentation can be found here:

Make Better Financial Decisions with the R4GoodPersonalFinances R package!